The Price of Non-Compliance

by Kyle Stroombergen – General Manager of NGA

On 4 October 2024, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) imposed sanctions on two prominent banks—Bidvest Bank and HSBC—for serious lapses in compliance. These sanctions, rooted in failures to adhere to the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FIC Act), demonstrate the significant financial and reputational risks of non-compliance. As these institutions face penalties and operational changes, it’s clear that staying ahead of regulatory requirements is no longer optional—it’s essential.

What Went Wrong: Both banks failed to comply with key provisions of the FIC Act following inspections by the Prudential Authority. The shortcomings varied but shared a common thread: a failure to implement effective compliance and risk management measures.

  • Bidvest Bank: After an inspection in 2022, it was found that Bidvest Bank had not implemented its Risk Management and Compliance Programme (RMCP) for trade-based transactions. This lapse resulted in a R5 million penalty, with half suspended pending improvement.
  • HSBC Johannesburg Branch: Following a 2021 inspection, HSBC’s failures included inadequate customer due diligence, failure to identify beneficial owners, and delayed responses to transaction monitoring alerts. These oversights resulted in a R9.5 million penalty, with R4 million conditionally suspended. HSBC has since exited South Africa, a decision that coincides with the sanctions.

The Real Costs of Non-Compliance: While the financial penalties are substantial, the broader consequences for both banks are equally severe. HSBC’s exit from the South African market and Bidvest’s impending sale reflect the long-term reputational damage caused by failing to maintain regulatory standards. The trust that customers, partners, and regulators place in a bank can quickly erode when compliance protocols are not robust.

How NGA Can Help Your Business Avoid These Pitfalls: At NGA, we specialize in helping businesses avoid the kind of compliance failures that have cost Bidvest Bank and HSBC dearly. Our suite of solutions includes:


Looking Forward: Staying Compliant with NGA The recent sanctions imposed on Bidvest Bank and HSBC serve as a reminder of the need for ongoing vigilance and robust compliance systems. At NGA, we provide comprehensive solutions that allow businesses to stay compliant, avoid penalties, and protect their reputations. With our expertise, companies can be confident that they are meeting regulatory requirements and safeguarding their futures.

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