Insight to Grow

How NGA is Transforming Compliance Using Advanced Data Aggregation

Discover how NGA’s Global Identification Insights Platform (GIIP) revolutionizes compliance and due diligence with advanced data aggregation, providing time savings, complete oversight, and robust analytics.

Simplifying BCBS 239 Compliance with NGA’s Advanced Solutions

“NGA simplifies BCBS 239 compliance with advanced solutions, enhancing risk management and monitoring for financial institutions.

South Africa’s Ascent in Sustainable Investing

Explore South Africa’s unique ESG landscape, leveraging abundant resources, social impact opportunities, and NGA RiskSecure’s innovative risk management in ESG.

KYC Evolution: Cutting Costs, Saving Time

Navigate corporate compliance challenges with Fenergo’s insights on cutting costs and saving time through innovative KYC screening technologies. Stay informed.

Top 5 Financial Crime Risks This Holiday Season

Top 5 Financial Crime Risks This Holiday Season by Kyle Stroombergen – General Manager of NGA

NGA Adverse Media Screening: Revolutionary Breakthroughs in False Positive Management

NGA Adverse Media Screening: Revolutionary Breakthroughs in False Positive Management by Kyle Stroombergen – General Manager

The Risky Business of Outdated Beneficial Ownership Data

The Risky Business of Outdated Beneficial Ownership data By Magda van der Lith – Head of

A Balancing Act: Tailoring AML Solutions for Adaptive Financial Crime Prevention

AML solutions must strike a balance between out-of-the-box efficiency and customizability to effectively combat the evolving landscape of financial crime. This requires modular design, AI integration, and collaboration with financial institutions.

What to look for when choosing the right KYB Software

Expertise in KYB software, compliance, and risk assessment, enabling businesses to navigate complex regulatory landscapes and build trusted relationships.

The Hidden Threat in Supply Chains: Addressing Indirect 4th Party Risks

In the interconnected global economy, business associations are crucial, including hidden 4th party risks. RiskSecure software helps identify, quantify, and monitor these risks.

Embracing Partnerships: South Africa’s secret sauce to FATF Compliance

South Africa faces FATF greylisting but can follow Mauritius’s success in AML compliance through strategic partnerships and AI-driven solutions.

AML forecast: The Road Ahead for the Compliance Industry Beyond 2023 

In AML compliance’s future, expect integrated platforms, global cooperation, privacy challenges, ESG considerations, cybersecurity, predictive analytics, and the rise of RegTech.

A Focus on Directive 8: Ensuring Trustworthy Workforce Through Comprehensive Screening

Directive 8 mandates comprehensive screening for trustworthy financial operations. It includes global sanctions, politically exposed persons, adverse media, and ongoing scrutiny.

RiskSecure – Revolutionize Risk Management with Next-Generation Adverse Media Screening

Introducing new features in RiskSecure’s Adverse Media Screening Software, streamlining compliance, risk monitoring, and reporting for accountable institutions.

Third-party Risk: Transforming Compliance into a Winning Edge

In an interconnected business landscape, third-party risks are prominent in South Africa. Advanced screening tech and managed services streamline compliance, enhancing market position.

The Long-term Costs of Choosing the Wrong FICA compliance solution

Choosing the right FICA compliance screening provider is essential to avoid long-term costs like regulatory fines, reputational damage, and labor expenses.

Why Adverse Media Screening Services Outshine Chatbots like ChatGPT

When it comes to adverse media screening, software services have the edge over AI chatbots due to their accuracy, up-to-date coverage, customization, integration, and human expertise.

The Rise of A.I in Regtech

Regtech, fuelled by AI, is transforming compliance from a cost centre to a value driver, offering cost savings and improved accuracy in compliance monitoring across various industries.

What is Sanction Screening?

Financial firms must screen for sanctions, complying with complex rules and managing vast data volumes. Sanctions Screening Services offer solutions.

What is Adverse Media screening (Negative News) and how can you modernize yours?

Automate adverse media screening to save time and improve accuracy. AI and machine learning enhance efficiency in risk management.

Using AI and adverse media to get the competitive edge

AI and ML enhance competitive intelligence by analyzing big data, predicting competitors’ moves, and utilizing unstructured data for strategic insights.

AI turns the financial crime tide

NGA’s RiskSecure uses AI to streamline anti-money laundering compliance, offering real-time risk assessment and boosting financial crime prevention.

New AI tool to help SMEs predict future market changes

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are not exclusive to large corporations; they’re valuable tools adaptable for various business needs, including SMMEs.

Executive lounge: SAfm Market Update with Moneyweb

A business executive feature with SAFM and CEO of NGA – Mark Germishuys.

Seven tips for tech startups: With Mark Germishuys

Tech startup tips: IP protection, network building, no exclusivity contracts, cautious hiring, cost-effective workspace, and budgeting for a year.

Early detection of Adverse Media – the next big trend in data science

Faster AI and ML analyzing big data allow competitive insights. NGA offers strategic intelligence using implication scoring technology and ethical AI.

Profile story: Big data pioneer takes AI to the next level

Mark Germishuys, CEO of NGA, pioneered data science and AI, providing insights into customer behavior, compliance, and competitive analysis.

Find out how NGA developed a smart agriculture solution

The NGA Smart Agriculture Solution utilizes artificial intelligence, vertical farming, and data science to optimize crop growth and sustainability.

Combining advanced technology to shape the future of farming

NGA’s IoT and AI solution boosts urban farming efficiency, reducing water use and preserving nutrients for rapid produce delivery.

How to prevent AI from denying you a potential job

AI helps screen job candidates in a saturated market. To stand out, manage your online presence, share successes, and be constructive.

New AI that predicts financial and other industry trends is here

In 2021, AI in finance will analyze public data for risk assessment, while 5G continues to evolve, and EVs gain traction in Africa.

How to boost ESG scoring with real-time Artificial intelligence

AI can enhance ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) monitoring, aligning business sustainability with social impact and competitive advantage in the market.

How to optimize data usage by utilizing A.I and Machine Learning

AI and ML technologies are essential for optimizing data search and providing precise, customized insights in today’s data-driven business environment.